Don’t be inconsistent with brand consistency.

This week I want to talk about one for the most important but unsexy components of marketing.

It is top of mind because I am not currently doing either of them personally in my business (and I have been doing this stuff for nearly 20 years).

But, I know that for Sprowt, alongside any other business, in any other sector, this is one of the most important things you can do to successfully scale and maintain market share.

Consistency and repetition.

I told you it wasn’t sexy.

Say the thing, then say the same thing again and again and again. And then say it some more.

We live in the era of the next big thing- I’m coining the era of the magpie.

A desire for the new and the shiny.

As people immersed in the world of brand, we live it and breathe it day in day out. We think about our brands constantly. We think about them so much that we often get bored of what we are talking about and if we are bored we assume that people must be bored of hearing us harp on about the same things day in and day out.

Sadly you are very wrong, the majority of the time people are not thinking about your brand at all. Ever.

This is why you need to constistently show up in new an interesting ways to remind them that you exist.

And this where people can go quickly array. Interesting ways does not mean strategically different.

At the core you need to make sure that you are single-mindedy bringing it back to the core reason for the brand. You value proposition. Year in year out, this does not change just the way that you deliver it does.

The secret of brilliant marketing is the ability to say exactly the same thing, but in a variety of different ways. Repetition, repetition, repletion.

A brand that nails this is Oatly.

They show up in lots of weird and wonderful ways but never divert from the fact that they are Plant Milk, that is made for Humans not cows.

What this means for you?

Make sure that you are clear on your value proposition and creative platform by which to bring to life, and then use this as the lens to bring all your marketing to life. 

I hope you can forgive this less than sexy note this week, but my goodness it is so important.


If you are obsessing about your competitors you have already lost.


Feb, it’s a wrap