Emotional impact is about making absolutely sure that the customer sees themselves in the story you're telling.

This week I’ve been thinking about partnerships.

As a concept partnerships are not new or particularly innovative, but, they can be a solid strategy to get new eyeballs on the brand.

But, if I’m being brutally honest most partnerships are a pretty non eventful. They usually consist of two brands coming together to do some sort of giveaway. You’ll recognise the set up, like this brand and brand on (insert whatever social platform) and tag a mate to be in a chance of winning. It’s unimaginative and for the customer and potential new customer it does little to build an emotional connection with the consumer and elevate the perception of either brand.

But, when it’s done well, there is pure magic.

And this is what I want to share today. Three examples of brand partnerships that have come out over the past couple of weeks, that I think are brilliant

Why? Because all of them had a creative idea behind them. There was a narrative that became an ownable marketing moment, that could be seeded out and used to get real attention.

Wild and CoppaFeel!

 Swipe your pits & check your tits! (how good is this copy).

Wild partnered with CoppaFeel! to raise awareness of Breast Cancer and how to spot it early on, especially in young people. As part of the campaign they designed a "Boob Case" and also went around London “making tits of themselves in boob suits”



Surreal will likely be the first to admit that LinkedIn is a core acquisition channel for them, so when I saw this quadruple collaboration pop up in my newsfeed and break the monotony of highlight reals and self proclaimed gurus, it made me chuckle.

Erectile dysfunction medicine meets Cheese meets Cereal meets Gyms. On paper, wtf.. in practice absolute marketing gold.

Unexpected and apologies that you are likely to have Daft Punk going round in your head all day today!


Ohne and Lazy Oaf

This is probably my favourite of the three, as it addresses head on such an outdated norm in the period category.

Picture any mainstream period advertising over the past 20/30 years- it will likely involve a women running, climbing a mountain or even riding a horse, with the message to ‘push through’, keep going….

These messages fail to recognise that for many women this time in their cycle can be hugely painful or energy depletive and rest is what they need.

ohne launched a campaign with Lazy Oaf (the clothing and lifestyle brand) depicting the absolute opposite of these - RESTING on your sofa in your pants.

In their words the campaign is “a reclamation of laziness as pure, blessed rest because our bodies are really going through it”. The campaign supported the launch of ohne’s latest period pants to date - in three iconic Lazy Oaf prints.

What amazing partnerships have you seen recently?


"Tell me and I will forget, show me and I may remember; involve me and I will understand."


Barbie fever hits the world